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The 17th BubbleCup competition is now finished
The final round of the seventeenth annual Bubble Cup competition for university and high school students was held in Belgrade, organized in collaboration with the Microsoft Development Center in Serbia.
The Bubble Cup competition has become well-known among fans of algorithmic challenges and teamwork. This prestigious team-based programming event, aimed at high school and university students aged 15 to 24, attracts young talented programmers from across the country. Launched in 2008, the competition aims not only to highlight participants' programming skills but also to promote communication, collaboration, and innovation.
This year, the final of Bubble Cup 17 was held on September 28th, on the premises of the the Microsoft Development Center in Serbia. During this exciting day, nineteen teams had the opportunity to showcase their programming skills.
In the Premier League category for university students, the BenGIIn Klub team won first place, while the stefanbalaz2 and Urke teams took second and third place, respectively.
In the Rising Stars category for high school students, the 100011 team claimed victory, while the Gymnasium Sombor and Kisela voda teams took second and third place, respectively.
You can find the complete ranking list and the tasks from this year's competition here.
Završeno 17. Bubble Cup takmičenje
U Beogradu održano finale sedamnaestog po redu Bubble Cup takmičenja koje organizujemo u saradnji sa Razvojnim centrom Majkrosofta u Srbiji.
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Sa priručnikom namenjenim vaspitačima i vaspitačicama Petlja proširuje svoju podršku i na predškolske ustanove.
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