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Summer School of Programming
After so long, we finally have the opportunity to see each other in person at the Summer School of Programming. The call for applications is open to all students attending the upper grades of primary
We invite all students attending the upper grades of primary school to apply for the Summer School of Programming, organized by the Petlja Foundation, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
The Summer School of Programming will be held in Vršac from 12 until 20 August 2022 and from 20 until 28 August 2022. Participants will receive accommodation and full board, and they will be staying in the “High School Student Home Vršac”. The classes will be held at the “Nikola Tesla” school centre, which is located near the Student Home. In addition to the programming classes, participants will have the opportunity to hear from experts from the IT industry, as well as participate in recreational activities such as excursions, quizzes and game nights.
Accommodation, meals and the program of the Summer School of Programming are free for participants, while parents or guardians are expected to organise and cover the transportation to and from Vršac.
Interested students should apply no later than 21 July 2022; with their parent or guardian they need to fill out the questionnaire that can be found at Furthermore, they need to take the test in one of the text programming languages (Python/C#/C++) on Petlja's platform, which should be done independently. The final selection will be made by an expert committee and the selected students and their parents or guardians will be notified no later than 28 July 2022. Groups will be formed based on the results of the test, that way the students can attend a program suitable to their prior knowledge.
If you have additional questions, feel free to send us an email at:
The Summer School of Programming is organized by the Petlja Foundation within the “Building Key Computing Competencies - Towards the Workforce of the Future” implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
Završeno 17. Bubble Cup takmičenje
U Beogradu održano finale sedamnaestog po redu Bubble Cup takmičenja koje organizujemo u saradnji sa Razvojnim centrom Majkrosofta u Srbiji.
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Sa priručnikom namenjenim vaspitačima i vaspitačicama Petlja proširuje svoju podršku i na predškolske ustanove.
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