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rasPETLJAvanje - Four-month Online Programming Support Programme
We are very excited to present rasPETLJAvanje (unravelling) - a four-month-long programming support programme designed for students aged 11-18
The Petlja Foundation, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is organizing rasPETLjAvanje - a four-month-long online programming support programme for primary and secondary school students between the ages of 11 and 18. The programme is intended for those who are particularly interested in learning programming through solving algorithmic problems and it is completely free of charge. During the programme, participants will attend online lectures and solve problems assigned to them in the periods between lectures, for which supportwill be provided by mentors with significant experience in programming and working with interested students. Dedication and continuous work are expected from the participants.
Two work plans have been prepared, one intended for beginners, and the other which includes an introduction to more advanced topics. Participants will have the opportunity to choose a plan that matches their prior knowledge, and a self-evaluation test will help them in their choice.
The plan is for rasPETLJAvanje to last from 11 January until the beginning of May 2023. The lectures will be held on weekends, and the schedule of activities will be announced to registered participants.
Students can apply using the form found at the following link:
Everyone who registers by 12 p.m., 10 January 2023, will be included in the programme from the beginning, and those interested can join later during the programme. The number of participants is not limited.
The rasPETLJAvanje programme is organized by the Petlja Foundation within the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce " implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.
All additional questions can be asked via the following e-mail address:
Poziv nastavnicima i nastavnicama razredne nastave iz Školske uprave Zrenjanin na obuku za primenu mikrobit uređaja u okviru predmeta Digitalni svet
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane nastavnice i nastavnike razredne nastave iz školske uprave Zrenjanin da se prijave na obuku za primenu mikrobit uređaja u nastavi.
Read morerasPETLJAvanje 3.0 – stara aktivnost u novom odelu
Pripremili smo novi ciklus besplatnog programa rasPETLJAvanje, ovog puta sa većim fokusom na mentorski rad.
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