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Over 350 primary and secondary school teachers successfully completed a new cycle of training

12 months ago

From February 8th to March 25th, the Petlja Foundation organized two online training sessions on the topic of Programming for primary and secondary school teachers.

The Petlja Foundation successfully organized two separate online trainings on the topic of Programming for primary school teachers within the subject of Computer Science, and for high school teachers within the subject of Computer Science and Informatics.


The training sessions were conducted in the form of online courses, allowing each participant to progress at their own pace with the support of mentors. The goal of all training sessions organized by the Petlja Foundation is to provide support in teaching, so both training programs focused on the specific needs of primary school teachers and high school teachers.


Both training sessions were recognized as programs of public interest in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Education and were completely free of charge.


The Petlja Foundation organized these trainings as part of the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce " implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.