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New School Year, New Materials for Learning Programming

6 years ago

Starting with this school year, Computer Science will be taught as a compulsory subject in the 7th grade of primary school, and according to the new programme in the 2nd grade of secondary school.

The Petlja Foundation has prepared new and upgraded existing materials for learning programming for all primary and secondary school students, which can be found on the portal 


Based on the feedback received from teachers and students, the Petlja Foundation's team of authors upgraded the Pygame Graphics Programming Guide during the summer, which is designed to guide the 7th-grade students from the basics of 2D graphics to simple animations. There are also upgraded materials for the fifth, sixth and eighth grade, as well as video lessons that provide an additional form of support for teachers and students. All primary school materials can be found on


The second-grade secondary school students will be learning data analysis and presentation in the Jupyter environment and the Python programming language. For them, we prepared a manual Computer Science for the 2nd grade of secondary school, which is designed to introduce students to the world of data and drawing conclusions based on data.  The Manual starts with the Excel spreadsheet program and continues with the interactive computing environment Jupyter and Python programming language. The end of the Manual is reserved for the elaboration of specific Python programming techniques in accordance with the curriculum. The materials for learning programming in secondary school can be found on