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National Seminar of the Mathematical Society of Serbia

7 years ago

The annual National Seminar on Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science, organised by the Mathematical Society of Serbia was held on 9 and 10 February at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade.

Mathematics and Computer Science teachers from primary and secondary schools already know that, at the same time every year, the Mathematical Society of Serbia organises a large national seminar dedicated to these scientific disciplines. This year, the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade hosted several hundred mathematicians and computer scientists from all over Serbia. The first day of the seminar included three plenary sessions as well as several other lectures and workshops.

In the plenary part, we had the opportunity to hear the interesting story about the life of Mihailo Petrović Alas, as well as a lecture on the application of mathematics through the construction of flutes. The third lecture in the plenary part of the seminar was delivered by Dragan Mašulović, an associate of the Petlja Foundation, author of the Manual for Data Analysis and Presentation in Jupyter. Dragan Mašulović spoke about the application of computer programming in teaching mathematics.

In addition to lectures from Dragan Mašulović, our other colleagues Milena Marić, Snežana Marković, Duša Vuković, Bojana Satarić, Katarina Veljković, Jelena Hadži Purić, Jasmina Dobrić and others gave their lectures and workshops. Topics that were covered ranged from object-oriented programming, visual programming, and application of robotics in teaching, to computer science competitions in primary and secondary schools.