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Modern Computing - Basic Concepts and Application

4 years ago

The new course on net.kabinet intended for the fourth-grade high school students deals with the topic of modern application of computing from IoT to machine learning, artificial intelligence and robot

During four grades of high school, the Informatics and Computing curriculum teaches students about the basics of programming, data analysis and processing, web programming, and finally databases. All these topics give high school students a broad basic knowledge of computing as one of the most promising modern fields. At the end of this four-year schooling cycle, the program envisages a review of modern applications of computing in today's world. For this reason, we created the course Applications of Modern Computing for the Fourth Grade of High School, which completely follows the official curriculum for the fourth grade of high school. 

Going through the course independently or together with their teachers, students will have the opportunity to learn about the following topics: Internet of Things and Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Processing, Robotics, Cryptography and Quantum Computers.


The mentioned topics cover some of the modern applications of computing which, in addition to classic and generally known applications, have recently become more relevant and attract more attention with their accelerated progress. Each of the topics in the course is described so that students can become familiar with the basic concepts of the covered areas, and supplemented with examples of the application of those areas.


The course is designed to cover about ten school classes, and at the same time it is a good starting point for project teaching and independent research of these topics.