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Improving teacher's skills towards better quality in teaching computer science and informatics

12 months ago

Successfully conducted training for teachers of Computer Science in the fourth grade of grammar schools for students with special abilities in computer science and informatics.

In-mid March, the Petlja Foundation held trainings at the “Računarska gimnazija” high school in Belgrade for Computer Science teachers who teach Databases in the fourth grade of grammar schools for students with special abilities in computer science and informatics. Over 40 teachers successfully completed the training, and they stated that the new knowledge would help them improve their work with students.


The teachers gained new knowledge on the concepts of database design and modeling, SELECT query writing techniques, as well as writing procedures, functions, and creating applications for processing data from relational databases. They also received guidelines for planning and organizing computer science classes, as well as leading student project work. 


This training was considered a program of public interest, in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Education, and it was completely free.


The training was held as part of the project "Building the critical computer skills for the future ready workforce", which is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, with support from the Government of the Republic of Serbia.